Monday, May 10, 2021


 She slept for seventeen hours straigth, and didn’t even let go of my wrist. Te veins on my hand were all popped up as if they’d burst due to convulsions. I was to hungry and really in a need of toilet. I felt like a poor husband in love, waiting for his wife to heal on her own because he doesn’t have money for treatment.

  “Can you really losen yer grip now. Please”, I made a pretty complex expression. She was still a little drowsy and her head must have been heavy. Her hair were messy and eyes sore. A beautiful pyschopath, she was. “Change of plans was it?”, she yawned whilst putting the blanket aside. “Oh you are here”, she bluntly spoke. “Yeah you are gripping my wrist since you knocked yourself. I’d appreciate if you’d leave me now”. I beckoned my unfree hand to her and she made a weird grin looking at it and sighed while she losened her grip, “Well it can’t be helped. I am sorry if you misunderstood”. I responded almost at the same time, “No, can never call that romantic. My hand might have started undergoing necrosis”. She smiled wryly and stretched her back while jumping out on the floor, “Well you certainly did get it wrong”. A gesture of friendship maybe, “Yeah then what was it about”. She sighed in disappointment, “Never mind”.

I was already afternoon when she woke up so I ended up quickly making salad and toast for lunch. We did have the beans so it was surprisingly filling. Meanwhile Erici freshened up. There was new found silent vigour on her face. The grimace of yesterday had been lifted up as if she was exorcised.
  While making a sloppy sandwich with the toast and the salad I asked, “So Erici, what’s with the new schedule. Gonna change it up now that Elizabeth–”
  She attentively listened and as I was about to end my statement she interuppted with a cough. I stopped talking and she took a sip of the orange, “We are going shopping”.


“Lady Grazelina, your father. The Lord had wished to summon you”, the maid had a fearful look on her face. Sweat on her forehead, she was squeezing her apron with fright. The figure on the royal bed, a seemingly delicate figure with slender and pale limbs, her long azul hair- a jumbled mess. She laid bare naked, asleep. The sunlight from the grand window panes leading to the balcony made way from the sunlight to come through and sparkle the princess as like jewel. Her moderate yet proud chest would make any man to desire her. The crown jewel of  her proud father, slowly and elegantly raised her stature and she spoke, “Are you a fool to wake me up from my slumber?


  “The Divine Vision, she has one of the strongest Ganaav presently anyone could withstand, strongest in the complete organisation. How about we used the Leach Seal on her and she could used it to-”. He was interupted by a enraged Agatha, “Space manipulation? You understand the amount of lives that must be utilized for that”. Zarpis gave a wicked smile to that and continued, “We do have these worthless scum. The treason against humanity and the girl would also learn a lesson that she shouldn’t align with such a lot. But these talks aside, you see the credibility right?”, he urged to ponder over the idea to the commision.

  They were playing with lives, my life, the entire faction would be effectively dissolved and Zarpis would gain most of the control. His idea was simple and most probably effective but it was also extremely brutal. The Leach Seal was a type of Ganaav that was forbidden, it was extremely inhumane. Because it required ‘Life’ itself to be used which could be used in all sorts of blasphemous contraptions. Reversing time, killing people(ceased to exist), distorting memories, morbid reasoning, and gruesome murder were amongst it’s known uses but they required to drain life out of someone and a an extremely large Ganaav affinity was a must have. It still had a downside the already available life in the organism and the life absorbed was not a one to one ratio. It was low and most times random. I prayed that the commision would decline this offer, not only the 662 but 1 members of Kardindum would be killed, it would still require more lives to be taken to ensure a surplus rather than required quota.
   But ultimately, his plan was agreed upon. It was a 7-3 vote between the Jaeger-Kardindum struggle. A death warrant for all of them, they looked so dejected and mournful. They cried in each others’ bosoms. Agatha couldn’t believe, she must’ve thought than Felvin was some sort of grim reaper. She stared at him, as if hoping that she would get to see his sly smile and be satisfies that he was a bloddy asshole but rather he himself was cursing for Letcher’s death. At the end of the day, they were comrades. How could he wish their death? But why me, of all people be responsible for taking the toll of their lives upon me. I cried and cried, till my eyes felt dry. Till I collapsed of fatigue but this would neither help me or them.
  July 12th 582. Or more infamously known as the Kardindum Massacre, the Leach Queen ritual took place on the third hour of the day. One by one; each and everyone were robbed of their lives, they hated Letcher’s existance that was being paid with their own lives. He breath in peace while they were snatched of their own. Not even bones left. Agatha was last. She was kept in a cell like everyone else. She looked at me and smiled and said, “Remember our goal, Godon Attrei”. Maybe it was her leadership orher will power. Hearing her accomplices’ screeching voices that pleaded for a peaceful death, she was cold. Her eyes barren. The once beautiful woman looked like flower withering away, “I am sorry, Agatha……But I’d try my best”. She neither nodded nor beckoned. She waited looking down in despair. Maybe it was last of her mental strength with which she initially spoke to me.
  “Shio eich kabrum pot”, suddenly the stone floor under her cracked as I enchanted the spell. Long strips of cloth like substance, written on which was something similar to hyroglyphics. It was stained black-red, or like dry blood at parts. It started creeping and wraping around her body, mummifying her alive. She screamed, yelped and started struggling against the immense pain. She collapsed and started yanking her body, she raised her back so high that after certain height it must’ve broke. The crackling sound so intense. I hurled myself into the corner, weeping in silence as she died. Excruciating bellows, ragged breath, her lungs might also being thoroughly shattered, after only about fifty seconds, her voice grew hoarse and weak. She lost the strength to even resist, and about another minute of panting; she was gone. My ordeal, over for now.

Or so I thought, between 582 and 588, I heard those morbid cries begging out for their lives about four thousand times. Never once I thought I’ve grown accustomed to them. Sometimes it seemed I was feeling their pain, but that always was a delusion. I devoured about hundred and seventy years of life. I suffered a great deal of emotional trauma and deemed unfit. Though this wasn’t military service that once you are certified as such you are not called. Erici had a purpose, to kill Thomas Letcher.
  I got in the same middle school as him, in the same year. The primary purpose was to study him, and so that I could know why to kill him and how dangerous his behaviour was. Morever, it was also a rehab for my PTSD. I enrolled under the alias Semolina Fayne. My appearance was also altered, this was specially designed solely for school. They dave me freedom but I was not myself, they gave me chance to make friends so I can establish a diversion, they gave me a new life only to steal someone elses. How cruel can they get?

Thomas Letcher was a ‘normal’ person. He wasn’t conspicuous, his behaviour fairly good, and he tried to get a girlfriend and failed miserably due to maybe his unconventional ways. It was so contradictory to what I was informed about, that it amused me; to think I’d be naïve enough to believe them after killing a small town worth of people. I had never studied anything other than Ganaav before the time so fortunately I had super low grades. Letcher was an OK student, there was not much to say in the daily reports. In a way, they were to wary of him. Six months later I found out that I wasn’t the only one that was spying on him. There was some shapeshifter called Winsonburry that had watched him since the kid’s birth effectively.
  A fate chosen the moment he opened his eyes, something I could relate too. I was to despise him but I started hating Zarpis and Baldmin for their decision instead. Agatha was right, he was not a threat. He was as harmless as a chicken. Why believe in oral accounts that more or less maybe myths and if if they weren’t then there were also accounts that the first pair was brutal even before they forged the Marnagnle. He had a single friend, Elizabeth Grannert. Later I learned she was one of his benefactors and a desciple of the Oracle, Sol Raznav. I stayed cautious of her all times to not let go my identity. She was cunning and brilliant, Thomas cherished her in a way although it was not too obvious. Life was simple and good those days, I really didn’t want the grand farewell to come but-
  “This Sunday, you’re going perform the job”. A single phone call with an unknown number shattered the pleasant visage. It was only another picture I could never enter in. Another tragedy, why had the person I watched over, had to be destroyed? A kind of weird connection was formed between him and me, albeit unidirectional. Ironically, the people that were trying to save his life, they’d be indirectly used to end his life.

He was alive! After all those preparations he was. But why? Why was he? He must have gone to the restaurant with Jack and Emma but then why? So many lives wasted, another two destroyed. A date! He was on one with that girl. She no the Oracle knew that but does that mean this was a wrong move altogether…..NO DON’T TELL ME NOW THAT THIS WAS A WRONG CHOICE. IT CANT BE…….FENVINNNNNNN……You could have made sure, your reckless plan, their vainful deaths. I was vehemently put through all that admoniable and grotesque executions.
  The boy broke down, what storm destroyed his world all of a sudden.He cried asking family, friends, strangers, police but no matter what their presence itself was erased from the bill of that restaurant to the memories of his grandparents. He couldn’t believe. Grannert herself moved out of town to the Capital for her first big gig. It was a farewell date it seems but he had forgot that he was flabbergasted, shattered. He didn’t speak nor did he ate. As if his mouth was shut off from the world.
  I had done that. I crushed and shred him apart. How could I even breath with such a heinous crime. He was no saint but neither was he a devil; if he does become one now it would be all on me would it not?
  How does feel to ruin another life? A jeer called me, I searched for the mouth behind it. No one found. Does it not satisfy you yet? It was a girl, yes a girl’s voice. It mocked me, hit me, crushed my already shattered self. It jeeredat me and engulfed my limbs with numbness. You are pathetic, weak, powerless and so you destroy others so that you are alive. No. No no no no no no no no no no nononononononononononono, I am not. I wept for them, I mourned when. They told me their memories, they begged for a peaceful end but I could not, I cannot. Is that true? You could have declined. Maybe suicide, only you were compatible. They would be alive. How could I have done that? No, I……. then you tell me the right choice. Don’t you want to see him smiling and laughing again. That numbskull. But, he is- Is he really, did you even see him hurting someone?No you didn’t. They also know that and yet….
 Maybe she was the one who led me to it. No at the end, it was my decision. To save the Marnagnle and bend the fate. That….will be my retribution.


 It would unsettling for you to see this, Godon Attrei Erici Frederyck. But fortunately or unfortunately we will have to deal with him after he succeds or at least his fate does. Vexing as it seems, you are very well aware that Raznav doesn’t lie. My condolensces that your efforts will be in vain”

The message was very infuriating for Erici. If you are told that you will fail even if you fight wih all vigour, all strenght to your very bones, who would not be angered. She must be bemoaning her blood out, albeit cannot be seen by the naked eye sometimes it is conveyedby the feelings.
 The wall ornaments were actually instruments made to disrupt and falsify the signals sent and received by the ‘organisation’ to get informed of the status quo. Pretty neat, so long we maintain them she maybe able to give me some more details. I don’t intend to betray her at slightest. This thing they’re planning about seems to be quite a big deal. It’s like when you sacrifice a goat or a bull to the gods as an offering. I do regard myself as such and so it would be rather flamboyant and my heart would flutter if I go out like that.

She came inside once again, she seemed a little a drunk. Her head was heavy and the strength in her legs was absent. A truly stereotypical drunkard! There was beer in the fridge. The college guy next door had asked to keep them with us, because according to him, “You knowwww, it’s a big pa’e aaaand so mine one alre’fill to brim. Ya could knock down a couple of ‘em ehk. It’d be no problem”. Seems so that she took actions on her own accord and now I have to pamper her.
  “Erici, are you okay?”, she seemed to be weeping profusely. I didn’t if she knew she was crying but she was overwhelmed by this Oracle person. It was only once before I saw her like that, when I recalled the mocking from the bully at the bakery.
  “Can I do nothing?..... I am sorry”. She spoke in a hoarse tone, the scent of alcohol was emanated in the cool room. Her eyes had swollen, her apperance disheveld. A complete antethesis of her usual self. Ecstatic emotions, melancholy. The cold and rational Erici Frederyck was no where to be found. “It’s not your fault”. It was never her fault, why would I can never think like that in the slightest. She collapsed on her now weakened knees on the door frame. Cowering, her heads and knees kissing each other she was truly unsightly. What could I have said her so that she’d be comforted. A lowly misery, that couldn’t help myself for three years. Was there even a chance that I’d tell her it was impossible. The weight of an inevitable premonition that lingered around on her head, that was slowly crushing her. Her will, her strenght. Strong or not she was still as human as I was. Defeat. Her insides must be screaming it, and she was drowning. “I TRUST YOU, ERICI FREDERYCK”.
   I did trust her that she’d find a way. I know she believes that I won’t astray from my path and become a devil. As her compatriots believe. I know that she is strong, to face head on the men that are against her way. Even if she will fail, that doesn’t mean she would give up without a fight. I firmly and wholehearted trust her. She until now, knew that it’s a waste of her time and energy to try bend an unescapeble future. “I know that the hand bestowed by the heavens upon me to pull me out of that bottomless gutter, would give a tough fight….. and I can be happy….that I was helped but Erici Frederyck against the odds”. I stood next to her and bowed down down and shrugged her shoulders with extreme force. I was too, very upset. It was essentially a death sentence, a nail in the coffin. But if one of companions has collapsed, you have to harden and lift them whilst you too support yourself and a comfortable spot.
 “How many did ya chug down, Fredo”, no response but I smiled trying to lighten the atmosphere. I lifted her up and gave my shoulder to cling upon, quite heavy she was. Unlike her appearance or maybe the litres of alcohol had made her heavy. Her cheeks were red as a tomato from it. Brown hair curtaining her brilliant golden eyes. She seemed half consious but it was time to go throw her in the bed and let her rest. So I put her in my bed, the primary reason I couldn’t carry 55 kilograms of weight in my hands for more than three or four seconds. No offense though, she was the only warmness in the now cold room. When I tenderly and caringly laid her down on the matress, she grabbed the hold of my wrist. It was quite a grib and she murmured, “I’ll cerainly make a breakthrough”.

C5- The guilt that is my power.

“She possesses the divine eyes”. These was the first sentence I heard with the first breath of my life. How sad my mother must have been to hear them. A benediction they said it was but for her, her daughter took away from her as soon as she could live without her mother’s milk. A saviour of people they said, I’d one day become. Only because millenia ago; some great man ended wars with these eyes? From before I could even understand the alphabet they made me adjudicate lies and truths, ill motives and ignoble thoughts and then these people would be subsequently slaughtered. Cursing me, bellowing my name in despair. But I was still somewhat happy, that my power ensures stability, peace and society with my circle of service.
  I was five years old. The organisation was in a major power struggle between the Jaeger and the Kardindum factions. The former petitioned to kill Letcher as soon as possible and the latter were liberals. Denying fate itself, and indeed if I was able to save a single life, I’d happily do it. But the cruel fate had something else waiting for me.
 I was made to judge along with Adriana Baldmin, the debate between the two factions. It was an extremely major event that was to mark of the long clashes over the decision. It was extremely tense, and volatile. A single mismanagement could break away the strings that attach them together and then the first and the last question was asked by Fenvin Zarpis, representing the Jaegers to Agatha Sebastian-
  “Do you not plan to kill that monster”, he appealed. Agatha stood in displeasure. She looked to her compatriots with hollow eyes and said, “He must be killed but only if he’s a monster”. Although it was ambiguous it was clear that she was not in favour of killing the child in question. Fenvin went on to proclaim that the Kardindums are conspirating against humanity and the world in a larger picture. And here was when the Divine Eyes judged that indeed, she wasn’t planing to kill the boy.

The Oracle had already stated that it won’t be possible to kill the boy and even if he was killed, there can uncertain developments leading to more dangerous situations and thus he was subsequently banished from the Tilmas.
  Zarpis was ruthless, he proposed that if his existence is erased then fate itself would collapse and if the Marnagnle ceased to exist then it wouldn’t be possible for another to show for another thousands of years.
“That maybe true but how could we do that?”, Adriana questioned. He looked at me with glimmer in his eyes, he was about to propose something unforgiving and disdainful would be proposed.


    “If that helps you to solve your doubts then be it. Now then”, I interuppted her for the umpteenth time. Derailing the conversation, that would ultimately lead to obvious questions. That is the only way I saw it.

   “You’d kill me yourself, if you fail at your objective ain’t ya. And…”. And the thing was the oracle faction must now have conclusive evidence to their claim. Although they themselves will never take actions against me, going against their principles that is but that does not apply to Erici Frederyck. So was this my last hour? Elizabeth Graniert and Raznav, was that? Thank you to wxtinguish my fluttering wick.
  “That ultimately depends on me doesn’t it? My ideal, is it to confirm your life until I myself can see that you are better dead. The Oracle, Pilaus alias of Sol Raznav. He is someone that knows about you more than yourself. He knows what will happen even when the phenomena that will happen will be be impossible. He confirmed that killing you is more dangerous that Thomas Letcher. However that was something the organisation couldn’t digest. I know I cannot but I do have my priorities set”.


  “But still, until the second arrives that I know for sure, that it cannot be helped I’ll surely help you. To give you a fighting chance”.

  “What have I done exactly to be treated as an S-class criminal ?”. Surely there sould be some solid reason, an explaination that was so convincing that I myself would be ready for the inevitable.

  “…..You…were born”.

I was born. That was my mistake. Erici was crestfallen whilst saying that. As if she was pierced by a thousand arrows. Depression, yes being utterly disgusted by her own remark. Was this her mistake? Absolutely not, she was here to curve my fate itself.
  Such insolent people they are, to destroy a someone who would think twice before even smashing an ant to its death. There were many things I want to do, go on a solo bike ride in the country, maybe hook up with some girl with similar interests, yeah I’d love that. Do stupid things with friends, drink so much that I’d fall off in a gutter and they some random dude would take me home and.. or…I don’t want to die.

  “Erici…. I don’t want to die but please……. don’t …waste you time.”, tears rolling down my cheeks. Shameless dawdling in front of her. My arms quivering, sweat tripping down my nose mixed with snot. A baby, no a fool questioning his execution after he is found of his crimes but even that won’t explain it. I was on my knees, recollecting anything and everything any clue of doing something blasphemous or accidentally destroying some artifact. Nonetheless, a single corpse is better than one.

“My priority is you. For now, lets just give you a fighting chance. That’s what the new schedule is about…… So if you want to live, diligently follow it”.

What maybe the reason, she is going to these heights. This isn’t love, I don’t think it is. I never saw her or knew her. And I wasn’t so peculiar that some girl in school have crush on me. Showing up now, gambling with her life. But these speculations, conspiracies, ideas, and other bullshit would only waste what little time I have till this god forsaken ritual. Either way, she had ‘informed’ me something and now, trouble would increase. So this training will be necessary.
  “So what’s in the letter?”, I asked only to confirm my suspicion. She tore the seal and thoroughly went through it.

  “Its…a proposal”.

  “A proposal?”.

  “A co-operative relationship to protect Thomas Letcher”. But why would he make such a allision, when he must be knowing that it would eventually fail when, inevitably she’d kill me even if I survive. The great Oracle huh, but then that would mean…

 “….... We should accept this”.

After quite a long silence, she spoke. She must’ve contemplated over it, and concluded that more allies are better than none. In conclusion, a big day. Today was. Lots and lots of stuff was done and I was somewhat exposed to cruel reality. The wind I though I was walking against, has been turning into a tempest.

“Here, sign here”. She handed me the posh fountain pen, to sign this ultra necessary proposal. Just after we both signed it, a crack appeared in the ceiling, but it wasn’t actually a crack. It was something as if it was split, and a black, very black space was visible. The temperature of the room, also started to drop, Erici had a deep frown on her face. It was suddenly freezing cold and I started shivering. I curled up, closed my eyes and cowered on the floor. I thought her organisation made a move as soon as she signed the deal. All of a sudden, a loud thud a spread across the room. Opening my eyes, I checked for bullet holes on my body. After I made sure of safety, my eyes caught an iron trunk laying it the middle of the room.
  “Heck’s that?”, I crawled out of my own ineptitude and raised voice, which previously sounded as if someone was strangling a horse.
  “What is he thinking?!”.

 The trunk contained a fantastic looking blue sword, it looked like some high class noble’s heirloom. It had a pattern of snakes and foxes on it but even though it was exceptionally attractive, it had an ominous aura, fear could be felt looking at it. Then there was a tattered book. It was thick, too thick actualy. Maybe consisting of over 3000 pages. Then there was a gauntlet, it had avery similar vibe to the sword. They were cool looking but a fear would start tearing apart my mind when I looked at them. Several wall ornaments were also present, purpose was unknown at least to me, some bottles and viles of most probably medicine. There was also some crossbow like weapon, though it was multiple times smaller than the real thing. And a single needle loaded into it. There were a few files, which seemed to be meticulouly marked, prepared and noted. And finally a two pastries.
  “Cool! But scary as well”.

  “That man’s really something. These goods are worth more than the complete apartment we are in, maybe even the neighbourhood”.

  “Is it that overpowered!”.

 “No that way. The historical value…. these were used to kill the first Marnagnle”. Again came the word, I have been associated with. ‘Marnagnle’ why is it that they fear it so much. I took the pastry and stuffed in Erici’s mouth when she was about to say something, she was looking like she’s going to burn the lot with her intense glare.
  “It’s too good right?”, I asked with a jolly face. She sighed in in discomfort after forcefully gobbled up the vanilla cake.

  “Well that book. It’s useless. And that files, I’ll check them. The crossbow is most probably for me and the sword and the gauntlet are for you but DO NOT TOUCH THEM. THEY HAVE REMNANTS OF THE FIRST ANNHILATION, IT WOULD WORK AS A CURSE”. She seriously raised her voice for he first time. He face was screaming out concerns, exasperated. She kicked the the sofa and it formed a crack on the wooden leg. I don’t know how much force she applied but it would be deadly if it was shin of some unfortunate man. She went inside and chugged a bottle of ice cold water as if cooling the burning rage that had built over her. I looked inside to see another letter, no a mail. 


 Now then, after the dinner. My new schedule was to be discusses, the whole fetishizing she did with an unconsiousman was detestable at the least and I was not obliged for doing any of it …….not that I could do anything. Like how a cat play with the mice before having in it full. Now I do know that she wouldn’t do anything stupid but the things she is dragging me in, being involved in something honourable is debatable. Anyway, after we finished cleaning the kitchen top, cutlery and some idle chatter; we arrived in the study or more precisely the office and also my bedroom. All the ‘garbage’ was thrown out, replaced  by bookshelves and an armory which used to be my cupboard accompanied by a rustic office desk. Straight out a detective or police movie from the 50s,with my poor bed in the sidelines at the left corner of room.

   “Now about the new schedule”, Erici meekly spoke. Whilst sititing in at the desk and going through files? The incident from earlier, I was feeling extemely awkward. Unable to see in her face, and also vexed because she was acting like it is nothing like for instance, the sun rising everyday.

  “This letter…. From Elizabeth. Right?”. I nodded my head in affirmation.
Elizabeth’s boss? Is she not an independent actress! More doubts, a pile of unansered questions, inviting even more. My sanity would explode if I left in dark again. A name I’ve never heard. Most probably he isn’t in the show buisness so then who is he.
  “An organisation huh? Even if I try being a badass rebel, that would still be realistiaclly impossible to destroy them huh?”.
  “So shall I not live peacefully until the demise eventually embraces me”. If the situation is this hopeless, why even bother. Something she emphasises so much on, when her eyes scream despair, why even try?
   There is someone who is more stronger, more hard working, better, better at everything than you are. That’s how it is. But-
  “Is that a confession, how smooth of ya. I am impressed, well for because once again its something I can’t pull off”. But of course these weren’t my real thoughts. Most likely, she would kill me if the rules she had agreed upon would be broken. Such a remark was only to lighten the tension.

  “And about earlier, don’t worry. It was just a prop”. Cruel. The word that was bombarded by my mind at her.

  “The moment I have some respect for you, you go ahead and kick that out. Was that a way to cheer me? I was flipping out you- ”

  “Well then you’ll be studying these three books and we start training your Ganaav from today”. She was using some exquisite wrds once again, not telling me the context. I felt like watching a drama blindfolded or tasting food in the absense of a tounge.

  “You see, woman MY LIFE IS ON THE LINE and do not even tell me who the opponent is!”, I yelled at her. Fury dictated me to a path, even if it would be impossible to bore a hole in this rock named Erici would not mean-

  “You…….Thomas Letcher is your enemy. Your birth is your enemy. Your fate is your enemy. The way you think is your enemy”,she bluntly asserted. Those words, she was asking me to loath myself? This was something serious, her eyes narrowed as if only seeing how I think with the movement, colour, depth of my eye movements. She let out a deep sigh, with distorted lips. Moistening them wit her tounge.

  “What is her connection with you, Erici?”.

  “I am on good terms with Raznav for now. Her boss that is”.

  “But she takes independent contracts, is it not? So..”

  “A member from the Oracle faction. Once part of the organisation, their research concluded that the ritual cannot be stopped in any circumstances. In case the host is destroyed, uncertain and potentially hazardous things can take place, a thing in whichthe organisation can never believe in”.  So by her terminology, I am some kind of host. The organisation is my enemy and Erici is trying to decline fate, so that I can live? And then what about the ambiguous position of this faction. Why do they even think I am special, am I special?

  “……Correct. Consider this, a thousand hostile and cooperative lions pounce at an elephant. See no matter how strong the elephant is- ”. Correct assessment. A hopeless stand to keep myself alive.

  “Pessimism. Now of all times, when I have got a grant from them to try and defeat fate?”, there was fury, there was will power and then there was a slight tremble in her stance. She was pushing herself, to what she was not. Even if more and ridiculously excessive more than me….. she was not strong in a wider picture.

  “But being a part of organisation, you. Why are you saving me?”. That was odd. No that was incorrect and incomprehensible.

  “Personal reasons……foolish of me isn’t it?”.



“You are awake”.


“Sorry, you had to see that, but there was no other way”.

“…..” What could I say? Who was wrong or who wasn’t was not the question, taking a life is never an option or is it?

“I would have liked not to kill him, but he was someone who would kill or be killed”. What did she mean to say? There is no one in this world who would think like that.
  “There ain’t no way in hell that is a case is it, you murdurous blood whore”. Some things are unacceptable, even though they are practical. I would have rather lay dead, then seeing such misenthropy.

 “Yeah I suppose you’d say that considering you do not understand this situation”.

 “You don’t tell me anything and yet you have audacity to say that. Of course I will say you are at the wrong”.

 “…..You have to protect what you love”. Ridiculous, that was the word summarize what she said. Trying to sike me so that I would lose all the attention of the topic. What kind of stupid tangent she was trying to pull? She had knocked the life out of the person, the bone chilling face that the dead man had made had already engraved in my fragile heart.

“Okay then I reject you even before you confess. Now tell me everything”. Her eyes and brows rolled down for a split second before she planned her next statement.

“……Who’d you sacrifice in a situation like that?”. She asked. Going the philosophical route. An enemy that is controlled by bloodlust or a unarmed and unguarded friend. She didn’t have a choice. But I don’t them to die-

“He was a henchman, sent to kill you. The reason I have not tell you anything… because, the more threatful it becomes for us. It is like a grip of a python. The more one struggles, the more it strenghtens”. Her hands were not specifically tied, it was because, an informed me was more dangerous according to the enemy.


“There will be many a times that you’d have to forbade lives. Never ever chose the most optimistic answer, even if one day…. It would be me. I don’t comply to lose your humanity but keep the lives of you and the ones important to you at the highest priority of safety. Please do not risk them, you’d only regret it”. There was nothing wrong in her words. Even though I was trembling, her actions were not influenced by fury but well being and preservation.

“But still, couldn’t you have just captured him?”. That was still a viable alternative but it wasn’t considered by her and denied instead.

“Have you not noticed that you don’t have your clothes on?”. I was so involved in the debate that I didn’t even notice myself and the things around me. And sure I was naked in my bed. Although she had covered. Embarressment rose my face.

“Why did ya- ”

“They can put curses on their target, leaving marks on the body. Unfortunately they can be only detected by a special tool”. Curses, what was this. A stupid horror movie taking place in the pyramids of Kazu? But to be honest, after experiencing all this stupidity, I have to did consider it. I was casually looking across the room whilst thinking about when I noticed panties besides my blanket. They looked somewhat wet. Where was this turning? I gulped and asked.
 “Why are your panties here, and…wet?”.

“Your ‘thing’ was a little excited, so it was a little distracting during the scan. So I… Anyway, you get ready. There’s a new item being added to your schedule. We’d do it at night after dinner”. Saying that she left the room.
   She used me? Such an unethical act. I hadn’t even given her consent, I wouldn’t have if given the choice. For some reason, I cannot understand. Bodily desires. I consider them taboo. And a new item in the schedule late at night. I couldn’t help but panic at this unethical development.

Besides this tomfoolery, there were many lose ends I needed to tie. Erici reffering something ‘Marnagle’ and only visiting one of the two stores, her connection with Elizabeth and that suspicious letter and the dead man. Now if you don’t know about our predator. The extent of its capabilities, the danger it possesses, then it is even wrong to consider the hope to live through an attack.

Thursday, May 6, 2021

The tears of guit and misery {PART 7}


At about 6.30 p.m. I returned home. Master, was taking a shower. I didn’t peep, the sound reverberated throughout the room. The pressure cooker was making a whistle, the sounds were ringing in my ear. When you cry your heart out, your mind hits a reset button and you slowly start integrating with reality again but in that thoughtless and senseless state one is susceptible to accepting things and behaviour that usually the indivisual would not do in normal condition.
  The door of the balcony was open, the hall was carressed by the cool evening breeze that flowed in. My mind wass instinctively wary of the surrounding. My forehead before long covered in sweat, the fear that had clouded me was overturned by danger. Death danced around me, surely- what had been happening? Why now? Why all of a sudden was I coming to a halt. Srange insecurities locked my comman sense, the vase on the stool near the window slipped and shattered to pieces. I could sense someone was there. The wind didn’t have such a high velocity that it could do something like that. I turned around to see it, still on the sofa. Suddenly a nude Erici , still wet from the shower and having a murdurous glimmer in her eyes, ordered, “Crouch nowwwww”. It was want for me. Never question her, that was what I had decided earlier. Without a second thought I held my neck with both my hands and pushed it towards my guts. The next moment, I heard a violent slash near my ears. I was instantly petrified. Hair on the back of my head stood frozen, as that happened.  I saw needles in her hand, and while holding them like a dart, she muttered something and threw them overhead. In less than a second, my ears were filled with a violent screech. Something dropped onto me, a body. I hesitantly looked at that frightened face, the needle had buried in the middle of his forehead between his eyebrow. My hands had losttheir strenght, I was trying to get up and run from there but my legs quivered as I collapsed on the ground. The blood that leaked out of that fatal wound stained my white shirt, I yelped in pure agony.
   “Thomas…..Thomas?”. The hands of the murderer reached out to me, the capital crime, the sin against the humanity. That person, checking that ‘Am I okay?’. Of course not, why was I affiliated with her? She was cunning and dicey but now I get those hostile looks. She must have done some heinous crime. My brain started making sense out of something that made no sense. Yes, I was seeing the battle axe this person had held in his hand. The sword that was on his waist, the grim looking armour piece on  his chest. There was every reason to believe he was there to hunt… to kill me just like Elizabeth Grannert had warned. So why was I not ready to believe Erici had saved me rather than the fact that she had killed this person? Maybe that is human tendency to make look as the saviour is the demon only because the method was morbid or admoniable.

C4- Burden of life


“You are awake”.


“Sorry, you had to see that, but there was no other way”.

“…..” What could I say? Who was wrong or who wasn’t was not the question, taking a life is never an option or is it?

“I would have liked not to kill him, but he was someone who would kill or be killed”. What did she mean to say? There is no one in this world who would think like that.
  “There ain’t no way in hell that is a case is it, you murdurous blood whore”. Some things are unacceptable, even though they are practical. I would have rather lay dead, then seeing such misenthropy.

 “Yeah I suppose you’d say that considering you do not understand this situation”.

 “You don’t tell me anything and yet you have audacity to say that. Of course I will say you are at the wrong”.

 “…..You have to protect what you love”. Ridiculous, that was the word summarize what she said. Trying to sike me so that I would lose all the attention of the topic. What kind of stupid tangent she was trying to pull? She had knocked the life out of the person, the bone chilling face that the dead man had made had already engraved in my fragile heart.

“Okay then I reject you even before you confess. Now tell me everything”. Her eyes and brows rolled down for a split second before she planned her next statement.

“……Who’d you sacrifice in a situation like that?”. She asked. Going the philosophical route. An enemy that is controlled by bloodlust or a unarmed and unguarded friend. She didn’t have a choice. But I don’t them to die-

“He was a henchman, sent to kill you. The reason I have not tell you anything… because, the more threatful it becomes for us. It is like a grip of a python. The more one struggles, the more it strenghtens”. Her hands were not specifically tied, it was because, an informed me was more dangerous according to the enemy.


“There will be many a times that you’d have to forbade lives. Never ever chose the most optimistic answer, even if one day…. It would be me. I don’t comply to lose your humanity but keep the lives of you and the ones important to you at the highest priority of safety. Please do not risk them, you’d only regret it”. There was nothing wrong in her words. Even though I was trembling, her actions were not influenced by fury but well being and preservation.

“But still, couldn’t you have just captured him?”. That was still a viable alternative but it wasn’t considered by her and denied instead.

“Have you not noticed that you don’t have your clothes on?”. I was so involved in the debate that I didn’t even notice myself and the things around me. And sure I was naked in my bed. Although she had covered. Embarressment rose my face.

“Why did ya- ”

“They can put curses on their target, leaving marks on the body. Unfortunately they can be only detected by a special tool”. Curses, what was this. A stupid horror movie taking place in the pyramids of Kazu? But to be honest, after experiencing all this stupidity, I have to did consider it. I was casually looking across the room whilst thinking about when I noticed panties besides my blanket. They looked somewhat wet. Where was this turning? I gulped and asked.
 “Why are your panties here, and…wet?”.

“Your ‘thing’ was a little excited, so it was a little distracting during the scan. So I… Anyway, you get ready. There’s a new item being added to your schedule. We’d do it at night after dinner”. Saying that she left the room.
   She used me? Such an unethical act. I hadn’t even given her consent, I wouldn’t have if given the choice. For some reason, I cannot understand. Bodily desires. I consider them taboo. And a new item in the schedule late at night. I couldn’t help but panic at this unethical development.

Besides this tomfoolery, there were many lose ends I needed to tie. Erici reffering something ‘Marnagle’ and only visiting one of the two stores, her connection with Elizabeth and that suspicious letter and the dead man. Now if you don’t know about our predator. The extent of its capabilities, the danger it possesses, then it is even wrong to consider the hope to live through an attack.
  Now then, after the dinner. My new schedule was to be discusses, the whole fetishizing she did with an unconsiousman was detestable at the least and I was not obliged for doing any of it …….not that I could do anything. Like how a cat play with the mice before having in it full. Now I do know that she wouldn’t do anything stupid but the things she is dragging me in, being involved in something honourable is debatable. Anyway, after we finished cleaning the kitchen top, cutlery and some idle chatter; we arrived in the study or more precisely the office and also my bedroom. All the ‘garbage’ was thrown out, replaced  by bookshelves and an armory which used to be my cupboard accompanied by a rustic office desk. Straight out a detective or police movie from the 50s,with my poor bed in the sidelines at the left corner of room.
   “Now about the new schedule”, Erici meekly spoke. Whilst sititing in at the desk and going through files? The incident from earlier, I was feeling extemely awkward. Unable to see in her face, and also vexed because she was acting like it is nothing like for instance, the sun rising everyday.

  “And about earlier, don’t worry. It was just a prop”. Cruel. The word that was bombarded by my mind at her.

  “The moment I have some respect for you, you go ahead and kick that out. Was that a way to cheer me? I was flipping out you- ”

  “Well then you’ll be studying these three books and we start training your Ganaav from today”. She was using some exquisite wrds once again, not telling me the context. I felt like watching a drama blindfolded or tasting food in the absense of a tounge.

  “You see, woman MY LIFE IS ON THE LINE and do not even tell me who the opponent is!”, I yelled at her. Fury dictated me to a path, even if it would be impossible to bore a hole in this rock named Erici would not mean-

  “You…….Thomas Letcher is your enemy. Your birth is your enemy. Your fate is your enemy. The way you think is your enemy”,she bluntly asserted. Those words, she was asking me to loath myself? This was something serious, her eyes narrowed as if only seeing how I think with the movement, colour, depth of my eye movements. She let out a deep sigh, with distorted lips. Moistening them wit her tounge.
  “This letter…. From Elizabeth. Right?”. I nodded my head in affirmation.

  “What is her connection with you, Erici?”.

  “I am on good terms with Raznav for now. Her boss that is”.
Elizabeth’s boss? Is she not an independent actress! More doubts, a pile of unanwsered questions, inviting even more. My sanity would explode if I left in dark again. A name I’ve never heard. Most probably he isn’t in the show buisness so then who is he.

  “But she takes independent contracts, is it not? So..”

  “A member from the Oracle faction. Once part of the organisation, their research concluded that the ritual cannot be stopped in any circumstances. In case the host is destroyed, uncertain and potentially hazardous things can take place, a thing in which the organisation can never believe in”.  So by her terminology, I am some kind of host. The organisation is my enemy and Erici is trying to decline fate, so that I can live? And then what about the ambiguous position of this faction. Why do they even think I am special, am I special?
  “An organisation huh? Even if I try being a badass rebel, that would still be realistiaclly impossible to destroy them huh?”.

  “……Correct. Consider this, a thousand hostile and cooperative lions pounce at an elephant. See no matter how strong the elephant is- ”. Correct assessment. A hopeless stand to keep myself alive.
  “So shall I not live peacefully until the demise eventually embraces me”. If the situation is this hopeless, why even bother. Something she emphasises so much on, when her eyes scream despair, why even try?

  “Pessimism. Now of all times, when I have got a grant from them to try and defeat fate?”, there was fury, there was will power and then there was a slight tremble in her stance. She was pushing herself, to what she was not. Even if more and ridiculously excessive more than me….. she was not strong in a wider picture.
   There is someone who is more stronger, more hard working, better, better at everything than you are. That’s how it is. But-

  “But being a part of organisation, you. Why are you saving me?”. That was odd. No that was incorrect and incomprehensible.

  “Personal reasons……foolish of me isn’t it?”.

  “Is that a confession, how smooth of ya. I am impressed, well for because once again its something I can’t pull off”. But of course these weren’t my real thoughts. Most likely, she would kill me if the rules she had agreed upon would be broken. Such a remark was only to lighten the tension.
   “If that helps you to solve your doubts then be it. Now then”, I interuppted her for the umpteenth time. Derailing the conversation, that would ultimately lead to obvious questions. That is the only way I saw it.

   “You’d kill me yourself, if you fail at your objective ain’t ya. And…”. And the thing was the oracle faction must now have conclusive evidence to their claim. Although they themselves will never take actions against me, going against their principles that is but that does not apply to Erici Frederyck. So was this my last hour? Elizabeth Graniert and Raznav, was that? Thank you to wxtinguish my fluttering wick.
  “That ultimately depends on me doesn’t it? My ideal, is it to confirm your life until I myself can see that you are better dead. The Oracle, Pilaus alias of Sol Raznav. He is someone that knows about you more than yourself. He knows what will happen even when the phenomena that will happen will be be impossible. He confirmed that killing you is more dangerous that Thomas Letcher. However that was something the organisation couldn’t digest. I know I cannot but I do have my priorities set”.


  “But still, until the second arrives that I know for sure, that it cannot be helped I’ll surely help you. To give you a fighting chance”.

  “What have I done exactly to be treated as an S-class criminal ?”. Surely there sould be some solid reason, an explaination that was so convincing that I myself would be ready for the inevitable.

  “…..You…were born”.

I was born. That was my mistake. Erici was crestfallen whilst saying that. As if she was pierced by a thousand arrows. Depression, yes being utterly disgusted by her own remark. Was this her mistake? Absolutely not, she was here to curve my fate itself. Riskingher own reputition.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

The tears of guilt and misery {PART 6}


“Why was your boyfriend and the employees and customers at the bakery bein’ so fucking hostile.”, I sserted her to answer. She stared me into my eyes causing my weak spirit to waver, as if I was to fight steel with a stick.
  “First, Justin is married so don’t nurture misunderstandings and second, I am not barred to answer these questions”. She gave such a clear cut answer which was clearly an intimidation. My heart was beating so violently all that time on the trip that it would have exploded like a volatile bomb. If I am not even getting an explanation for that then-
  “Come now lady, gimme a clue at least.”. The art of negotiation, if you can haggle you can get at least some information. But what I got was a soul scorching glare. She sid not a word, then took a deep breath and spoke
  “Thomas… don’t you trust me.” A glimmer in her eyes, as if a maiden was experiencing her first love.  But I had to persevere this cheap trick. An underhanded move not worthy of any consideration to be thought against. I had to think back of anything that would choke her in this situation, I remembered something that the bald butcher had muttered just when one of the employee was opening ‘the door’.
  “………..Godon Attrei fido ne Urehe!”, I rejoiced as I perfectly remembered. But to my surprise, Fred grimaced to the utterance. I had touched a nerve Ishoudn’t had. Her usually expression less face wore a frown. I was about to blow away in a torrent ofverbal abuse and assault but that never came, as for why I do not understand she just sighed, “Dehenschedd reburt Godon fiattrei ladena si ecaesche cappali”.

I was flabbergasted. It was for sure a foreign language and the words that the man from the bakery spoke was mockery. Disappointment stood atop of my mountain of thought. I may have accidentally used very downtrodden profanity against her.
  “Erici please forgive me. I blurted out stuff, meaning of which I didn’t even knew. Sorry if I hurt ya” . She was in the study giving no response. I thought of the three books that she gotten from Justin from what I recall she must have asked him to bring the books from the ‘Jiradiniya’, perhaps because of her racist sentiment. She must be studying them diligently before teaching them to me. As I draw nearer to the door, silence sent shrills in my ear. I called her name out, getting no response. It was not like Erici was someone who could get into troubles, having seen her headstrong attitude but I was reminded of her complex expression wen I said the man’s words. I steadily opened the door only to find master lying her head down on the desk, asleep.   
    Or I thought. When I came closer to inspect her, the book on which her head was resting upon was stained wet with her tears. Her nose had also changed its colour to a reddish tint. The usual visage ironfist was nowhere to be seen. What remained was a young and timid girl who had sobbed heart out. She was speaking something. “I…..m so..”, I got a little more closer to her, to her lips.
   “I am sorry”. That was what she was saying, I couldn’t understnad why she was saying that or whom she was saying that. But there was obvious pain in her words, the feeling of remorse and guilt enveloped in them. Possibly something horrifying, as if a living nightmare or something even more inhumane and morbid. I had devilish dreams for months after that dreadful night, I would mourn till my throat would sore. It had a similar vibe to eat if not more eerie. I hypothesize that she must have somehow known of my incident, provided that she already had done such nefarious thing up until now and decided to help me out. If that is how it was, I could never show the appropriate gratitude to her. As of now, following her without  question is the the only thing I can think of. I turned on the air conditioner so that she could sleep cozy in the burning afternoon heat.

It was about 5 p.m. and I was sitting in Colenel Ramses’ café on Dowing street, at the north side of Hemmingway. The chirping of the pigeons in the pleasant summer evening, whilst no one is around this really charms the body and the soul.
  “May I take your order, sir?”, as I was day dreaming this magnificiant environmnet that had been built around me. I was disturbed again, by the waitress. As I turned around, it seemed someone familiar had played a simple prank.
  “Oh Liz, hey ya flippin’ late.” It wasn’t much, but someone as professional as her had to be more sincere. Now that she was here, I could tell her all about it. But before that, I ordered two lattes and some cheese grills.
  “Elizabeth, take a seat…….There’s something you should know.” Immense tensity started dominating the cheerful, Elizabeths jolly expression also changed to something very serious.
  “What is it? Something troubling ya?”, She was giving full attention to what I was going to tell her.

  “My parents…….. are dead no, they don’t exist. Yeah….”. Her posture stiffened as she heard them words. She had experienced something beyond shock. Historically, Elizabeth had been my guest more than many times. As close neighbours to both of us her house was as mine as my own was hers. We were basically family.

  “What do you mean by they don’t existed”. She was resisting her eyes to collapse into river of tears. She wanted to know everything before she would give in to her emotional trauma that was pulling her legs no her body to the depths of ecstasy.

  “According to my relatives, they don’t even know me. My family friends have the same answer and neighbours have no recollection of me having family.

  “……” She couldn’t comprehend this folly. I was familiar with that shock. When I first learned about that, I had a similar reaction but more hopless and helpless. A tragedy that is insanity in others’ eyes. A problem that has no one to consult, if not solve. A pit that has no bottom; an eternal fall. Dried tearducts, lost voice, the pain that has scorned the body so much that every nerve cell neglects it altogether. The numbness that shouts apocalypse. The craving for death and yet the hope of return. I was ripped apart over and over to the point that it didn’t even matter anymore. These feelings…..

  “I had no hope, that anyone would even give it an ear, let alone believe it. So you know I didn’t even think about you”. Things were clear to her, I had become so pasionately hopless that I had considered that everyone except I, had their memories altered. I theorize; If someone has exceptionally high cling to the person ceased to exist then, theuniverse could do no thing.

 “…..and.. you…succumbed to….trauma and depression..”, she was desperately attempting to swallow her feelings but soon she was barely able to spurt out words. It already pained to look at her crimson eyes that were tearing up.

 “Until a month ago, I lived as a shut in. After which I met Erici and she has been counselling me.”.

 “…..She believed you? …..Did you even research about this maybe- ” , she just wanted some reason that her heart could cling to. Maybe a ray of hope, maybe something that would relieve her. I honestly wanted to lie to her but that would only deepen the wound.

 “I have done everything in my power to restore them but….I….”, remembering those days still gives me chills. The horrors, the hell that destroyed me. Everything, was a zombie, a zombie that lived only for search for the reason rather than flesh.
   No hopes, no dreams, no sympathies, neither comfort. That was the reality I lived and that was the cold, coarse truth I told her. She gave in, weeping and panting. Her relation was not that of blood but the emotions that go beyond such walls. A loved one, that had perished without a trace. Even though I wasn’t able to share my sadness to anyone, she could. And that she did. She started telling their bittersweet memories that she held, hearing them my heart began to throb with pain. Between unequal she wept then spoke until her voice became so hoarse, that she would bleed.  In order to comfort her, or more than that to put myself at ease. I pushed my chair which was opposite to besides her and grabbed her hand. But as if resonating, I burst into those memories as well.
 “Liz…..looks like I am being helpless aren’t I. But… thank you. I….I really needed this.”, I spoke those self-demeaning words while bawling over but I was truly grateful that she remembers.
 “Thomas, ……there’s something you should know”, -

“You.. are being hunted”. The words that she told me, fear was engraved in them. It was not something that was meant to be be some lowly joke, it was clue over which one must seek it’s true extent. She wouldn’t confuse me over some random bullshit, in such a depressing conversation and considering the hostility I have been receiving at various venues Erici has taken me. Erici herself was being hated by these people, so it wouldn’t be odd to assume that she was somehow protecting me rom these people. It is funny that someone like me, who had been ostracized from myself was somehow on the hit list of such a plenty a people. And then there was the letter she asked me to give Frederyck, I do not the contents of which but I never knew Elizabeth had any ties with her. They are like polar attitudes in terms of attitude.

The tears of guilt and misery {PART 5}

 Erici nodded in agreement as to ignore as unnecessary argument.

  “Thomas here, is clueless to everything I am here for doing. He is flabbergasted at this heretic sorcery…. Basically I am telling that he is harmless”.

“Harmless?..... for now at least”.

His words. I didn’t understand why he was being a jerk. At least Erici looked like she was acing her real casual self; guess she likes him. Not that it was surprsing but he looked happy too, when replying to her so I tried to stir up some conversation.
   “Is he your boyfriend, Master”, I tossed the coin of curiosity in a still lake. I wanted to see a flustered Erici but unfortunately I was enveloped by even more hostile glare from this guy.
   “I could have been but unfortunately certain someone is her centre of universe.”, he had a deep scowl on his face, as if he appied more pressure, his skin would tore of his forehead. This had started to piss me of as well. He was being straight up asshole at this point, maybe I would even adhere him but at least give me a fair reason.
  “I told you my answer before Centauras. This is my decision.”

  “So hear this as well. I won’t let you waste your life and yout on this abomination”.  I remained silent as Erici stayed neutral. She didn’t was a commotion right now. As an extremely straight person she likes to complete swiftly without even a trace.
  “Hey Erici, looks like this chic’s on period.”, I mocked him wholehearted. His behaviour was admoniable. I was first all a guest, and second he treated me as garbage and even started hurting Erici. She didn’t say it but I know, her heart is more fragile than her tough-guy persona. Centaurus didn’t take one bit of it. He was so heated up, veins surfaced on his clenched fist. I knew what was coming for me and wouldn’t be able to dodge it without any damage. And then –bash- he punched me in my ear. knocking me out instantly. He must have anticipated that I was far stronger than I actually was, thus explaining the power in his hands. I instantly hit the ground, laying unconsious.

 “Now you have done it Justin. I said he was harmless.”, the puncher got consious of his egregious and uncouth act. But he was still somewhat satisfied with his result. He digustingly washed his hands as if he had touched trash. This was beyond excusable even for te calm Erici.
 “It seems you have lost your sense of differenciating between human and filth living among them. ” Erici sighed.
 “I didn’t think the Marnagnle would be so weak”. He spoke while he took out a two shopping bags out of the cabinet. Tey were different from the ones back home. They were intricately decorated cloth bas rather than paper.
 “You are naïve Frederyck. Your foolish decision had broke the organisation into multiple factions. I only sided wit the neutrals because of you. The executionists had started making plans to kill it before its too late, your own life is in danger as well”. He was really concerned about his dear friend who had strayed from tue victory according to him.
 “I am the being a child here? They are. Believing in some godforsaken legend to kill poor Thomas. Besides according to the original story, a Marnagnle has to be very strong and intelligant so as for a successful ritual. He is somewhatcunning but he isn’t someone I can categorise as strong.”
   Centauras gave a wry smile, as he handed over the goods. He had understood, intimidating her won’t make her give up on work up until now.  Erici, took them and placed them on the tabletop besides the cabinet, she then asked for some water and sprinkled it over on Tom’s face.

We left the the place shortly and went back to the bakery with the help of a similar contraption and then briskly returned home. I had way more doubts and questions about this ordeal. I had a feeling of the mouse being concealed in a room full of dangerous traps. The whole teleportation thing and the Erici being racist, then there was than letherworker. My ear has hurt so much, I wanted to scream. I had to swallow my pain just to get some information.
  Erika asked me to to open the packages, I saw an extremely beautiful belt. Unable to understand why she gave me a belt she spoke, “This isn’t belt. It’s a holster. Whenever you try to put your weapons inside it, it would make necessary adjustments in itself to carry them with ease. Try the dagger I gave you”. I picked up the dragger kept in on of the drawer and tried placing it in naturally as one would place in a normal holster. Suddenly a sheath emerged out of thin air connected  to the belt.
  “……Shit! Oh my god. What’s this witchcraft. Ericiiiiiiii”, I squeaked in horror. Erici who was unpacking the other package, three fat books inside it suddenly drops them being suddenly bolted by my scream.
 “Well, how can I say this……. Anyway it’s convinient and efficient right. Other than that, we will start our study lessons. On that note, don’t fake being unconsious to eavesdrop on someone else”. I was caught, moreover it was so perect that the other guy Centaurus was decieved by it but it seems master noticed it. It seems I can never win against her godly being. But why was she so hesitant in answering my doubts. She has already shown me she is very conspicuos or I can even say wicked. Her friend as it seemed to me was very hostile towards me, the men in the bakery were glaring sharply at both of us but mainly for some reason at a total stranger like me. The way one of customers who was acting narcissitic, admiring himself in the mirror while actually using it to keeeping an eye on me was creepy. As if they would pull out guns and obliterate me if I do anything peculiar. Then there was the whole portal passage thing. Those humanoid creatures, that unnatural landscape, the freaky looking  yellowish tinge in the clouds. And yet asking of me to shut myself.

The tears of guilt and misery{PART 4}

 I was sobbing my heart out, unaware and cut of from the outside world, when I felt a soft hand carressing my hair. I could feel the emotions behind them. It was a desire to see me through this excruciating agony. As the master lifted my chin as if urging me to stop my panting.
  “You are strong, Thomas. More than I ever will be. Even if you betray my expectations, I will happily accept my defeat if it is to see your smile. I request you…. will you stop lamenting.”, while saying that she gently hugged me and patted my back. It was soothing, as if I was in a mother’s arms. Her coarse and blank demeanour was a façade and nothing more, I was now definitely sure. She was genuinely caring and  it comforted more than it would if for instance if it would have been Camarelle Windon. All of the emotions that were seeping out were once again in control. The vague directions my mind was running to make peculiar connections of two and more unrelated topics to make an answer out of nothingness, had been demolished. When one’s soul goes berserk and finds itself in turmoil, chaos enveloping sanity and comman sense itself becomes nonsense. I hardened my will and decided no to succumb to this melancholy once again.
For the past ten minutes after I broke down, I sat on the pavement recollecting myself. Erici stood beside me contemplating the situation we use encountered. It looked as if she was a little surprised of the commotion but I do not know why it was like that.
  “Erici, let’s go. I think I am feeling better now.” She admired my now reddened face and swollen eyes as I uplifted myself, in an elegant  manner. As my emotions settled that I cried among girls like a kid, that hurt me but I thought it would be better to forget this topic now that finally I am ending this impasse. Erici pointed to a bakery about two blocks rom our current location.
  “…..Why were you crying?”, she was quiet and gave me time as tore myself out but it seems she was astonished of this atypical sight. I kept silent, she was conveyed that I did not want to talk about this anymore so will we silently trudged over to the destination.
The door made a quirky creak as Erici slowly opened it. She was immediately greeted with hostile glints, as if being united with a enemy and yet. I couldn’t understand why these bunch of bakers woluld have an enemity with her. The cakes and pastries showcased looked perfect as if casted from clay. I wondered tasting this creamy heavan in my mouth and the rich and hot smell of the oven, the natural flavor of such a place was better air freshner than the most expensive eau de cologne. It straight up looked like a set up as in an imperial kitchen.
  Erici went to the man sitting besides the cashier. He was unlike the others, having a dubious look on his face. He gave a crooked smile when Erici confronted him, wearing a blood stained apron; the man raked of gut and flesh. He was a big person, having half of his face painted with some sort of yellowish fluid. His gray hair drenched in wax, he had set them in a very swanky manner. She tossed something that appeared to be a silver coin which he catched mid-air with his index and middle finger of his left air. “….So you are the one. Let’s see how this ends, Erici.”, the giant groaned.
One of the workers there opened a door to the basement, that was initially locked when we arrived. As soon as we entered he closed the door behind us, Erici walked downstairs without a sweat of hesitation and I was being a scared rabbit or a rat. Having come down we were blessed with an abomination of an entrance. Instead we found our selves in the back alley of some weird dark and charred town. My feet felt a mush, I looked beneath it to find dead black and wet moss. The sky had an a vivid range of grey clouds. It was very cold and the damp in the surrounding, and my flummoxed face was having a hard time dealing with it.
  “…..Oh my god, Erici! Where am I ?”, Where was I exactly? This place was the complete antonym of where we just were. The people wore clothes of it seemed as of very coarse fabric yet some seemed to wear very extragavant clothes; lets say they dressed as nobles but do not recognize these place as anywhere on earth. There movements for some reason seem rather inhuman. The shops, stalls, taverns, inns that I saw when I peaked outside on the street were straight out of a medivial-steampunk game but very much detailed. Although I was hyper consious of my new surroundings, it wasn’t like I was getting a dicey feeling out of this.
  “Dgereszik, and don’t wander around you’ll sully yourself in that Analoum trash.”, Erici arrogantly spoke. This was the first time I saw her in such a mood. Sure, she would sometimes warn or bashed me but she did it not in anger but in care and affection. Truly, a sister I never had but this was different and it troubled me so I asked her what was wrong.
  “You see their movements and mannerisms are simply not human?”.
  “Yeah but maybe because we are in a different culture”.
  “There not humans.” What did she mean they were not human. They looked alright to me, they were backward but that doesn’t mean they are ripped of their status as human.
  “But Erici, they look human enough to me.”
  “Let me sprinkle this in your eyes”, she took out an anonymous eye drop. It was kind of the plastic bottle you’d find at an optical medical considering I am using the correct term. She then proceeded to put a drop of it in either of my eyes. Suddenly I could see a change in their physique. There were tails, animalistic ears of all sorts. I could not understand where they came from all of sudden-
  “Let’s quickly run our errands and get going. I’ll tell about this at home.”, she sighed in hurry. We entered in the door infront of us, in this back alley. It’s door pane was smudged with dust and dirty snow  and the frame had marks of swords and axes on it. When I tried to push it, I noticed that the door was jammed. Erici ordered me to slam the door. And with that, I mustered all the force and so I rammed my body in the door. It worked! The door was opened but I crashed into the table in the room. My head bumped into a handle only be ricocheted into my collar bone.
  “Once again coming from the back door, eh, Frederyck”, a guy around my age or maybe elder came in from another entrance. He was tall and handsome, his physique roughly was as like me but muscular. He was the type who would bathe in girls but never bothered getting involved, the type envied and ridiculed behind his back. He wore a leather apron same as like the man from the cake shop, black hair shiny and his yellow eyes glimmed with calm and zenith.
  “Well you see, I don’t want my trouble my senses with subhuman garbage. Coming to these place in the first place fills my body with great bloodlust. So by avoiding them, I am extending their lifeline. And-” But then, this guy interrupted
  “Okay, okay I get you. Now quit giving the same explanation as last time.” I watched her in amusement as she was being casually discriminating. I don’t know the social heirarchy in this world but…
  “He the man behind the faction split and your rebellion”, he glared at me. His calm eyes showeed traces of hatred against me.