“It would unsettling for you to see this, Godon Attrei Erici Frederyck. But fortunately or unfortunately we will have to deal with him after he succeds or at least his fate does. Vexing as it seems, you are very well aware that Raznav doesn’t lie. My condolensces that your efforts will be in vain”
The message was
very infuriating for Erici. If you are told that you will fail even if you
fight wih all vigour, all strenght to your very bones, who would not be
angered. She must be bemoaning her blood out, albeit cannot be seen by the
naked eye sometimes it is conveyedby the feelings.
The wall ornaments were actually
instruments made to disrupt and falsify the signals sent and received by the
‘organisation’ to get informed of the status quo. Pretty neat, so long we
maintain them she maybe able to give me some more details. I don’t intend to betray
her at slightest. This thing they’re planning about seems to be quite a big
deal. It’s like when you sacrifice a goat or a bull to the gods as an offering.
I do regard myself as such and so it would be rather flamboyant and my heart
would flutter if I go out like that.
She came inside
once again, she seemed a little a drunk. Her head was heavy and the strength in
her legs was absent. A truly stereotypical drunkard! There was beer in the
fridge. The college guy next door had asked to keep them with us, because
according to him, “You knowwww, it’s a big pa’e aaaand so mine one alre’fill to
brim. Ya could knock down a couple of ‘em ehk. It’d be no problem”. Seems so
that she took actions on her own accord and now I have to pamper her.
“Erici, are you okay?”, she seemed to
be weeping profusely. I didn’t if she knew she was crying but she was
overwhelmed by this Oracle person. It was only once before I saw her like that,
when I recalled the mocking from the bully at the bakery.
“Can I do nothing?..... I am sorry”.
She spoke in a hoarse tone, the scent of alcohol was emanated in the cool room.
Her eyes had swollen, her apperance disheveld. A complete antethesis of her
usual self. Ecstatic emotions, melancholy. The cold and rational Erici
Frederyck was no where to be found. “It’s not your fault”. It was never her
fault, why would I can never think like that in the slightest. She collapsed on
her now weakened knees on the door frame. Cowering, her heads and knees kissing
each other she was truly unsightly. What could I have said her so that she’d be
comforted. A lowly misery, that couldn’t help myself for three years. Was there
even a chance that I’d tell her it was impossible. The weight of an inevitable
premonition that lingered around on her head, that was slowly crushing her. Her
will, her strenght. Strong or not she was still as human as I was. Defeat. Her
insides must be screaming it, and she was drowning. “I TRUST YOU, ERICI
I did trust her that she’d find a way.
I know she believes that I won’t astray from my path and become a devil. As her
compatriots believe. I know that she is strong, to face head on the men that
are against her way. Even if she will fail, that doesn’t mean she would give up
without a fight. I firmly and wholehearted trust her. She until now, knew that
it’s a waste of her time and energy to try bend an unescapeble future. “I know
that the hand bestowed by the heavens upon me to pull me out of that bottomless
gutter, would give a tough fight….. and I can be happy….that I was helped but
Erici Frederyck against the odds”. I stood next to her and bowed down down and
shrugged her shoulders with extreme force. I was too, very upset. It was
essentially a death sentence, a nail in the coffin. But if one of companions
has collapsed, you have to harden and lift them whilst you too support yourself
and a comfortable spot.
“How many did ya chug down, Fredo”, no
response but I smiled trying to lighten the atmosphere. I lifted her up and
gave my shoulder to cling upon, quite heavy she was. Unlike her appearance or maybe
the litres of alcohol had made her heavy. Her cheeks were red as a tomato from
it. Brown hair curtaining her brilliant golden eyes. She seemed half consious
but it was time to go throw her in the bed and let her rest. So I put her in my
bed, the primary reason I couldn’t carry 55 kilograms of weight in my hands for
more than three or four seconds. No offense though, she was the only warmness
in the now cold room. When I tenderly and caringly laid her down on the
matress, she grabbed the hold of my wrist. It was quite a grib and she
murmured, “I’ll cerainly make a breakthrough”.
C5- The guilt that
is my power.
“She possesses the
divine eyes”. These was the first sentence I heard with the first breath of my
life. How sad my mother must have been to hear them. A benediction they said it
was but for her, her daughter took away from her as soon as she could live
without her mother’s milk. A saviour of people they said, I’d one day become.
Only because millenia ago; some great man ended wars with these eyes? From
before I could even understand the alphabet they made me adjudicate lies and
truths, ill motives and ignoble thoughts and then these people would be
subsequently slaughtered. Cursing me, bellowing my name in despair. But I was
still somewhat happy, that my power ensures stability, peace and society with
my circle of service.
I was five years old. The organisation
was in a major power struggle between the Jaeger and the Kardindum factions.
The former petitioned to kill Letcher as soon as possible and the latter were
liberals. Denying fate itself, and indeed if I was able to save a single life,
I’d happily do it. But the cruel fate had something else waiting for me.
I was made to judge along with Adriana
Baldmin, the debate between the two factions. It was an extremely major event
that was to mark of the long clashes over the decision. It was extremely tense,
and volatile. A single mismanagement could break away the strings that attach
them together and then the first and the last question was asked by Fenvin
Zarpis, representing the Jaegers to Agatha Sebastian-
“Do you not plan to kill that monster”,
he appealed. Agatha stood in displeasure. She looked to her compatriots with
hollow eyes and said, “He must be killed but only if he’s a monster”. Although
it was ambiguous it was clear that she was not in favour of killing the child
in question. Fenvin went on to proclaim that the Kardindums are conspirating
against humanity and the world in a larger picture. And here was when the
Divine Eyes judged that indeed, she wasn’t planing to kill the boy.
Zarpis was ruthless, he proposed that if his existence is erased then fate itself would collapse and if the Marnagnle ceased to exist then it wouldn’t be possible for another to show for another thousands of years.
“That maybe true but how could we do that?”, Adriana questioned. He looked at me with glimmer in his eyes, he was about to propose something unforgiving and disdainful would be proposed.
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